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Sichuan Airlines A320 Captains Recruitment

Date: 2015-06-05 00:12Source: Pilot Jobs Editor: Bluesky Aviation Click: times

Sichuan Airlines A320 Captains Recruitment


Conditions 45 days annual leave 103 days annual leave 161 days annual leave One month on one month off
Training Period 300 USD/Day, plus 1000 USD housing allowance
Monthly Salary 18,700 USD 15,000 USD 11,500 USD 10,400 USD
Block Hours 85 h 80 h 75 h 75 h
Overtime Pay 240 USD/H 210 USD/H 180 USD/H 150 USD/H
Housing Allowance 1000 USD/Month
Safety Bonus 20,400 USD/Year 10,800 USD/Year 7,200 USD/Year 7,200 USD/Year
Tickets Reimbursement Up to 6,600 USD/Year
Yearly Income(Exclude contract completion bonus) 263,400 USD 209,400 USD 163,800 USD 150,600 USD
Contract Completion Bonus First three years: 12,000 USD/Year First three years: 9,000 USD/Year First three years: 6,000 USD/Year First three years: 6,000 USD/Year
Starting from the 4th year: 15,000 USD/Year Starting from the 4th year: 13,000 USD/Year Starting from the 4th year: 11,000 USD/Year Starting from the 4th year: 11,000 USD/Year 


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